Police Law Blog European Decisions Statutory Materials

Police Regulations 2003 (h). HO Circular 025/2012. Annex F


Circular 025/2012: change to chief constables’ pay, recommendation 64 from the Winsor Review

This circular publicises amendments to the determinations to implement the Police Negotiating Board’s (PNB) agreement to recommendation 64 of the Winsor Review’s Final Report. Determination to allow 10 per cent variation in chief constable salary.

Recommendation 64 stated that:

Police and crime commissioners (PCCs) should have the power to set the chief constable’s basic pay at any level which is ten per cent above or below the national rate for a chief constable in the force in question.

In considering this, the PNB agreed to further clarification:

– the PCC may only vary the chief constable’s salary on appointment

– it is the responsibility of the PCC to stipulate the maximum or minimum that the chief constable might be paid when advertising the vacancy

– the PCC will not have power to vary deputy chief constables’ (DCC) salary. DCC salaries will continue to be determined nationally, and will be linked to the nationally determined rates for chief constables’ pay (not to the salaries determined by PCCs).