Police Law Blog European Decisions Statutory Materials

Police Regulations 2003 (u). HO Circular 001/2019. Annexes E, F, H, O, U

Circular 001/2019: Implementation of the police pay award 2018 to 2019

Implementation of the police pay award 2018-19; starting salaries for Police Constable Degree Apprenticeships; time-limited and targeted payments for hard to fill and demanding superintending roles; and changes to annual leave entitlements for Direct Entry inspectors and chief officers.

Police pay award 2018-19 and starting salaries for Police Constable Degree Apprenticeships

This circular publishes amendments to determinations made under the Police Regulations 2003, to implement the police pay award for 2018-2019. This applies to all police officers in England and Wales.

On 24 July 2018, the Home Secretary announced his decision in relation to the recommendations of the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB). The statement is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/police-to-receive-2-pay-increase-in-2018-19

The pay award takes effect from 1 September 2018 and includes:

a 2% consolidated increase in basic pay for all ranks
a 2% increase to London Weighting
a 2% increase to the Dog Handlers’ Allowance
The Home Secretary also announced his decision on starting salaries for Police Constable Degree Apprenticeships. With effect from 1 September 2018, constables appointed on a Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship scheme should be appointed on a salary of between £18,000 and pay point 1 on the prevailing constables’ pay scale. Subject to satisfactory completion of year 1 of the Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship, those being paid an amount equal to pay point 1 on the prevailing constable pay scale during their first 12 months of service should be moved to pay point 2. All others should be moved to pay point 1.

The amendments to Annex F and U are attached to this circular.

Time-limited and targeted payments for hard to fill and demanding superintending roles

On 12 September 2018, the Home Secretary announced that he had agreed to support the introduction of new discretionary bonus payments of up to £4,000 a year for officers in hard to fill roles in the federated ranks, and demanding roles in the superintending ranks. Chief constables have the flexibility to backdate these to 1 September 2017. These payments will cease on 30 September 2020.

Annex U has been amended to provide chief constables with the flexibility to make this payment. The Police Consultative Forum has developed guidance to assist forces and a copy is attached to this circular.

Annual leave entitlements for Direct Entry inspectors and chief officers

Current arrangements for police officer annual leave are based upon length of service for the federated ranks. Determinations have been amended so that with effect from 1 January 2019, Direct Entry inspectors will join the service with an entitlement which is equivalent to an officer with four years’ service. This increased entitlement should be pro-rated for those who are part way through their annual leave year.

As part of a package of measures to increase transparency around chief officer employment and remuneration, chief officers are now entitled to a standardised 35 days annual leave policy. This represents a change from previously unclear and inconsistent arrangements.

Annex O has been amended to reflect these changes. Amendments have also been made to Annexes E and H with associated changes to chief officer rest days, public holidays and carry over of annual leave.