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Police Regulations 2003 (o). HO Circular 010/2015. Annex EE

Circular 010/2015: changes to the management of limited duties

Following the Police (Amendment) Regulations 2015 coming into effect, the Secretary of State has agreed to amend determinations under Police Regulations 2003, with effect from 1 May 2015, to set out:

  • the circumstances in which a member of a police force may be placed on limited duties, including detailed definitions of the three categories of limited duties: (recuperative duties; adjusted duties and management restricted duties)
  • the circumstances in which an element of pay may be deducted during periods when that member is carrying out adjusted duties

The relevant amendments inserting Annex EE in determinations under Police Regulations 22 and 28A are attached to this circular.

Police Regulations 2003 (l). HO Circular 015/2014. Annexes F, U

Circular 015/2014: amendments to the determinations under Police Regulations 2003

This circular publishes amendments to determinations made under the Police Regulations 2003, to implement recommendations from Part 2 of the Winsor Review and other outstanding Police Negotiating Board (PNB) agreements.

The Secretary of State has agreed to implement PNB agreements in relation to:

  • the 2014/15 pay award with effect from 1 September 2014, unless otherwise stated (PNB Circulars 14/13, 14/15, 14/16, 14/17 and 14/19); and
  • the pay scale for Assistant Chief Constables and Commanders (PNB Circular 14/10)

This circular publicises amendments to the Secretary of State’s determinations under the Police Regulations 2003 to implement these decisions, as detailed below.

Home Office Circular 006/2014 explained the changes to pay scale structures from 1 April 2014 onwards and includes an updated set of FAQs.

Implementation of PNB agreements

Pay increase for federated and superintendent ranks 2014/15 – Amendments to Annex F

The salary rates for federated and superintendent ranks are to be increased by 1% with effect from 1 September 2014, in line with PNB circulars 2014/15 and 2014/16.

Chief officers’ pay 2013/14 – Amendment to Annex F

The pay of chief officers is to be increased with effect from 1 September 2014 as set out in PNB Circular 2014/13 (Amended).

London weighting – Amendment to Annex F

The level of London Weighting is to be increased from £2,301 to £2,325 with effect from 1 July 2014, as per PNB Circular 2014/19.

Dog Handlers’ Allowance – Amendment to Annex U

With effect from 1 September 2014, the dog handler’s allowance is to be increased to £2,175 in line with cost of living increases (PNB Circular 2014/17).

Recommendation 62 – New pay scale for Assistant Chief Constables – Amendment to Annex F

Pay points 1, 3 and 5 were removed from the ACCs’ pay scale for Assistant Chief Constables (ACC) on 1 June 2014, 1 June 2015 and 1 June 2016 respectively.

Incremental for Assistant Chief Constables and Commanders resumed on 1 June 2014.

An incorrect date of 1 April 2014 (rather than 1 June 2014) was published on 8 May in PNB Circular 2014/10 and subsequently in determinations via Home Office circular 006/2014. This has been corrected in PNB Circular 2014/10(revised).

ACCs’ pay will continue to be linked to the annual appraisal process.

The correct new pay scale is set out in the attached amendments to determinations.

Police Regulations 2003 (j). HO Circular 001/2014. Annexes BA, CA


Circular 001/2014: qualifications, experience, secondments and returning officers

This circular publicises amendments to Police Regulations 2003 and Secretary of State’s determinations to implement the Police Advisory Board for England and Wales agreement to recommendations 3, 16, 17 and 18 from the independent review of police officer and staff remuneration and conditions: final report.

Regulation 10 of the 2003 regulations is amended to allow the Secretary of State to specify a list of qualifications required for appointment to a police force. A new Annex BA to the determinations sets out the list. These are, either a level 3 qualification, a police qualification, or experience as a PCSO, special constable or in a police staff role identified by the chief officer of police as relevant. It is for the chief officer to select the applicable qualification for their force.

Regulation 13 is amended to enable the Secretary of State to determine the circumstances in which police officers can be seconded to organisations outside policing. A new Annex CA specifies that secondments require the approval of the chief officer and may be for a period not exceeding 5 years.

The 2003 regulations are further amended by the addition of a new regulation 10B, which provides for officers returning within 5 years of leaving the police to return at the rank they last held, subject to a probationary period of 6 months. In exceptional circumstances the 5-year time limit may be extended by the chief officer.

Police Regulations 2003 (i). HO Circular 007/2013. Annexes F, U


Circular 007/2013: amendment to the determinations made under Police Regulations 2003, implementing the PAT award on a new constables pay scale, CRTP, on-call and regional allowances.

Amendment to the determinations made under Police Regulations 2003, to implement the PAT award on a new constables pay scale, phasing out of Competence Related Threshold Payments, the introduction of an On-call Allowance, and the varying of the Regional Allowance.

Home Office circular 001/13 publicised the Home Secretary’s decision to accept the findings of the Police Arbitration Tribunal (PAT) in relation to the Part 2 Report of the Independent Review of Police Officer and Staff Remuneration and Conditions, led by Tom Winsor.

This circular publicises amendments to the Secretary of State’s determinations under the Police Regulations 2003 to implement that decision. The amendments are attached to this circular and cover the recommendations listed below. The effective date of these changes is 1 April 2013 unless otherwise stated.

Recommendation 54: Payscale for new entrant constables (PAT accepted the Official Side’s proposed payscale).

A new payscale will be introduced for constables from 1 April 2013 with a starting salary of between £19,000 and £22,000 depending on qualifications, experience and local recruitment needs. The new pay scale will be shorter than the existing one, so that officers will be able to reach the top point of £36,519 in seven years rather than ten.

The entry point for a member appointed in the rank of constable will be at point 0 which shall be between £19,000 and £21,999, or point 1 with a starting salary of £22,000. This shall be determined by the chief officer of police, in consultation with the local policing body based on local recruitment needs, policing qualifications or relevant experience.

A member will automatically start on pay point 1, with a starting salary of £22,000 if they:

  1. Possess a Policing Qualification as defined by the chief officer after consultation with the local policing body;

  2. Were, prior to appointment, serving as a Special Constable who has been assessed and has achieved ‘Safe and Lawful’ attainment to National Standards, or the equivalent as specified by the chief officer;

  3. Were, prior to appointment, serving as a Police Community Support Officer who has been signed off as competent to perform independent patrol and who have served a minimum of 18 months in the role.

The chief officer of police may decide, after consultation with the local policing body, that the pay scale set out under the heading ‘Constables’ pay with effect from 1 September 2010’ shall apply to a constable appointed in the period from 1 April 2013 to 31 August 2013.

Recommendation 74: Regional Allowances (as modified by the PAT)

Chief Constables and the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police are to be given discretion to vary levels of regional allowance payment up to the maximum based on local retention needs. This will not be linked to performance and the same set amount will be used for all officers in a defined location.

Recommendation 83: Competency Related Threshold Payments (as modified by the PAT)

Competency Related Threshold Payments are to be phased out over three years from April 2013 to April 2016.

Officers in receipt of CRTP will receive the following reduced amounts:

  • from 1 April 2013 £900 per annum

  • from 1 April 2014 £600 per annum

  • from 1 April 2015 £300 per annum

  • from 1 April 2016 £0.00

Recommendation 112: On-call allowance (as modified by the PAT).

An on-call allowance of £15 for each daily occasion will be introduced for federated ranks officers. There will be no qualifying number of sessions before payments are made.

The introduction of the on-call allowance will not impact on how on-call is defined and managed in practice by forces.


Police Regulations 2003 (h). HO Circular 025/2012. Annex F


Circular 025/2012: change to chief constables’ pay, recommendation 64 from the Winsor Review

This circular publicises amendments to the determinations to implement the Police Negotiating Board’s (PNB) agreement to recommendation 64 of the Winsor Review’s Final Report. Determination to allow 10 per cent variation in chief constable salary.

Recommendation 64 stated that:

Police and crime commissioners (PCCs) should have the power to set the chief constable’s basic pay at any level which is ten per cent above or below the national rate for a chief constable in the force in question.

In considering this, the PNB agreed to further clarification:

– the PCC may only vary the chief constable’s salary on appointment

– it is the responsibility of the PCC to stipulate the maximum or minimum that the chief constable might be paid when advertising the vacancy

– the PCC will not have power to vary deputy chief constables’ (DCC) salary. DCC salaries will continue to be determined nationally, and will be linked to the nationally determined rates for chief constables’ pay (not to the salaries determined by PCCs).